On this page you will find an overview of ongoing and completed studies within our Digital Trial Center (DTC).

In our DTC, we deliver study results based on a GCP-compliant, manufacturer-independent, digital, decentralized clinical trial and offer services in the phases of study planning, study execution and study evaluation and combine these with our Digital Trials Manager as an innovative technology.


Pilot study of the Scannel app to survey positive care effects of app-based, guideline-compliant patient support for celiac disease.
Indication: Celiac disease

CARNA Pretest

Preliminary study to survey medical benefits and positive care effects of ProHeart, an app-based, guideline-compliant patient support system for heart failure.
Indication: Heart insufficiency (ICD code I50.-)


Evaluation study to assess a medical benefit and positive care effects of ProHeart, an app-based, guideline-compliant patient support system for heart failure.
Indication: Heart insufficiency (ICD code I50.-)

ParkinsonGo Pilotstudie

Evaluation of positive care effects and health economic significance of a patient-centered gait analysis app for use in the home with telehealth monitoring.
Indication: Parkinson’s disease


In this study, the participation-related goal attainment by means of remedies and aids in patients with mobility-restricting paralysis syndromes is investigated.
Indication: Stroke, Incomplete Paraplegia, Parkinson’s Disease


By sensor-based detection of fall-associated gait patterns in patients’ everyday life, novel algorithms are developed and implemented in an innovative technology concept to counteract the risk of falls in patients with gait disorders in the future.
Indication: Parkinson

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